

在南半球,頂著大太陽溫暖地過聖誕節,不足為奇,那麼北半球面對全球暖化的情形,以往聖誕卡上雪花紛飛,遍地雪白的聖誕印象,可能不再多見,沒有雪白的場景,How can they celebrate X’mas? 有點疑惑,以後的聖誕節,會不會就像”走味ㄟ咖啡”,還是星巴克的”豆漿咖啡”,滋味不太一樣?

話說回來,我相信,有一點仍然是相同的,那就是”人情味”,究竟聖誕對西方人來說,就如同台灣的農曆年,家人團聚,不在乎形式,不在乎場景,吃著傳統或者每年必吃的食物,喝著酒,在X’mas Eve家人盡情談天說地,聽挪威的老船長說(老闆以前是開船的),每年都要重複家族裡發生的笑話,大家再笑一遍,這就是為何很多歐洲人可以吃飯吃到11-12點的原因了…

每每客人問我說,台灣人也慶祝聖誕節嗎? 我只能尷尬地說,台灣人大部分是跟朋友去狂歡,互相交換禮物,有些家庭會擺飾聖誕樹,但是是為了取悅下一代(哈~哈~),對家人而言,最重要的是農曆新年,好大的差異… 西方的聖誕節,傳到東方,也是像”走味ㄟ咖啡”。


自從買了Celine Dion的這張These are special times,我每年的這個時候都會拿出來聽一聽,有平靜的O Holy night, Ave Maria…有愉快的Feliz Navidad(Merry X’mas),有溫馨的”Another year has gone by”,都充滿了聖誕節的味道。

其中我最喜歡”Another year has gone by”,裡頭有幾句歌詞很令人感動,透過Celine的詮釋,讓人的心感覺更是暖暖的,希望你聽到也有暖暖的感覺。

祝大家 平安 聖誕快樂!

"Another year has gone by"

So many 25th's of December
Just as many 4th of July's
And we're still holding it together
It only comes down to you and I

I know you can still remember
Things we said right from the start
When we said that this could be special
I'm keeping those words deep down in my heart

Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone by

I never been much for occasions
You never let another birthday go by
Without announcing how much you love me(雖然你沒說你有多愛我)
But the truth was always there(但事實就在那裡...)
Right there in your eyes(就在你眼裡...)(感動ㄋㄟ)

And we're still holding hands when we're walking(當我們散步時,我們仍牽著手)
Acting like we've only just met(當作我們才剛相見)(甜蜜ㄋㄟ)
But how can that be - when there's so much history
I guess that's how true lovers can get

Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone by

Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone by

Celine Dion介紹at SonyMusic

    創作者 sharonhooha 的頭像

    雪倫 點點滴滴

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